Sara Blauw » BIO


Sara Blauw will be teaching 3rd grade at GCA! She was born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She later attended Trinity Christian College in Chicago for 2 years and played on the golf team there before transferring to Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia. In 2020, she graduated from Covenant with a Bachelor’s in Early Childhood Education and also played on the tennis team. On a whim during Covid, Sara accepted a second grade teaching position at a Christian school in Visalia, California, and taught there for 2 years. She had never been to California, so it was quite a fun adventure. It turned out to be a wonderful position and she was able to get some teaching experience! Sara is very excited to be in Tennessee, where she pictures herself staying long-term, and being closer to family and friends that live here. She is also looking forward to joining the Grace Christian family this year and is excited for some new experiences!

Sara loves the outdoors and specifically enjoys fishing, golfing or playing tennis, whether it be with friends or family. She grew up on a dairy farm until she was 9 years old. Traveling is a hobby and she enjoys exploring new places. She loves kids and teaching is a passion of hers. Her favorite chapter in the Bible is Romans 8. Sara’s goal as a teacher is that her students learn to use their gifts so that they may bring glory to God!