Academic Overview & Philosophy
Academic Overview & Philosophy
Students learn in a family-like environment where they are valued and nurtured. We understand that each child is uniquely designed by God and has distinct gifts, talents and abilities. As we become caringly involved with each student and with each family, we are able to meet needs, encourage and bring out the most in every child.
Our classrooms and halls are filled with real learning and genuine excitement to pursue understanding. You might hear songs and chants or see children in discussion groups expressing their ideas. Frequently you will see students working out math problems together, often with manipulatives, joyfully answering and asking questions. They have fun in the process, sometimes not even recognizing that they are indeed learning Students are empowered as they have opportunity to share their thoughts in a safe and encouraging environment. They are frequently up making presentations in front of one another as they learn to give positive feedback by example and personal experience.
We partner with parents to ‘train up a child in the way he should go.’ As students interact with one another, opportunities to help train them often arise. As teachers and parents help guide students to be honest, deal healthily with emotions and resolve conflicts, their confidence and character grow. As students progress through the program, they have multiple opportunities to perform in academics, athletics and fine arts events. As they rise to these challenges above and beyond the curriculum, students have opportunity to discover what they are truly capable of and to demonstrate their developing character.
We know that the elementary years are foundational to developing a life-long faith in Christ. It starts with teachers who have a strong faith and can articulate it clearly at the level of their students through daily Bible classes, weekly chapel times, and a Biblical worldview infused in every subject. This is the time that students ask hard questions and their faith becomes their own. We do not dogmatically instill “religion”or religious information onto our students. Our goal is to introduce our students to the person of Jesus Christ and to help them find a true and loving relationship with Him. This is done through teaching scriptures, role modeling, answering their questions and providing opportunities to live out their faith in service to others.
As students leave the elementary program to move up to middle school, they leave with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. But more importantly, they leave with a strong foundation in Christian faith, a confidence in who they are and a readiness to take on the new challenges they will face.